
absolutely gorgeous, innovative, professional, rich,
but absofreakinlutely an
irrational young woman!
, какъвто absofuckinlutely беше и Фреди!}
AGNETHA – the absofuckinlutely incredible butt!
It was about
sexuality – of the great 70’s!
Of the really
great 70’s! Oh, yes, yes, yes!
The (greatest &
the sexiest) icon in ABBA!
Agnetha Faltskog  
But, at THE SAME TIME, lovely Jos, she was
living in (constant) fear, фобия & параноя!
[Agnetha/ABBA: behind the blonde (movie)]

Oh, that stuff! Oh, that anxiety mind!
That brings to a (wo)man, lovely Josephine,
an emotional & intellectual 
INstability! OK?
such a (wo)man is a weak (wo)man,
CANNOT be happy, in the longer run!
[And if that human is a woman, lovely Jos, 
then that 
stuff absolutely terribly hurts her
she absofreakinlutely wants to 
cling to a man! For security!
And no matter the quantity & quality of one’s own wealth!
Don’t be stupid, lovely Jos, to be a 
dependent woman!
Don’t be stupid, lovely Jos, to be dependent on a man-lover!]
[Are you, lovely Josephine,
a (really rational)
happy person today?
are you not really?
Are you a dependent
Are you а женски мистик?
Do remember, lovely Jos,
that it all starts with morality,
it all starts with (your) values!
The rational
values, lovely Jos,
are absolutes i.e. are real,
i.e. are absolute truths!
А мистичните „ценности“ са UNreal, virtual;
and cause absofuckinlutely problems, troubles!

Yes, in fact, BOTH of them женските, lovely Josephine, were really GREAT - in the Great 70’s!



Agnetha Faltskog






PS 1

Anni-Frid Lyngstad | From Baby to 72-Year-Old







Тревожното mind(set); тревожната consciousness; тревожният (fe)male. Тревожност.
[Разтревоженото mind (of the угрижения скептик) е винаги и (self-)разочароващо!]
Потиснатите (in the longer term) (БГ) хора!
„змията within one’s own главата! Не можеш да си relaxed (& successful in IHS terms) (wo)man
if, lovely Josephine, има „змия в your own (private) room (within your own private home)! OK? Get that?
It’s all about (self-producing)
the Nevativity bias mind!
It’s an absofreakinlutely irrationality!

Да намираш тъжното, the negative, кофтито…във всичко, дори и в really красивото! Баси baseline-a!
Тъжно, глупако, болезнено тъжно, тъжно(стта)...баси!
Такъв е живота, за жалост!says the absofreakinlutely irrational (wo)man!
The terrible self-
терор върху психиката of one’s own individual consciousness!
A [
greyish or blackish] mind(set), lovely Josephine,
that is full of (d)anger
, resentment, weakness, powerlessness & хейт,
които го подлудяват, make it feel UNcertain & наистина го убиват!
Oh, those (ordinary) crazies [of all ages & sexes]!

Obsessing one’s own mind over fear, unstability & НЕсигурност. Feeling miserable - experiencing psyche, и/или икономическа, и/или физическа мъка.
ruling one’s own mind in Fear & Phobia. It’s а lack of истински rational self-control. It’s [(без)съзнателно living in] the домейна of negativiry.
It’s the psyche avalanche effect over negativity - irrationaly причиняван by the self!
It’s all based on irrationality; НЕразумност!
And (experiencing) an irrational fear!
It’s all about [being
stuck in] the f(r)iction!
Oh, those
НЕразумни юроде!

Edgar Allan Poe (“The Raven”): “And the lamp-light o’er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;
And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
Shall be lifted—nevermore!


Стресът/тревожността/anxiety/страхът: най-масовият убиец (of a human’s body, mind and happiness) на 21 век!
[, that produces the „стрес хормона of UNhappiness/depression - кортизол! The product of misintegration.]
{ The “goal“ of UNconcsious (emotionalistic & stressful) living, lovely Jos, is to be not happy! OK? Get that!
Huge majority of (BG) (wo)men, lovely Josephine, make their important choices
, решения & actions, in life,
emotionalistic основа, going by the heart! And that brings them ppl воистина lots of stress, as последствия!
A, on top of that, most of these (wo)men са истински (големи) страхливки, weak ppl!
Oh, those irrational choices & actions! Те really носят sooo much & sooo кофти последици, in the long-term!
Yes, и longer term резултатите в животите им са горчиви, НЕ(толкова)щастливи! Макар и they to pretend…}
The (unconscious) пропиляването на (one’s own) живота! It’s a (weak, bad, an irrational) psyche thing! OK?
It’s one’s own затвор, lovely Jos! НЕподреден, INsecure & НЕспокоен живот!
Based on (the application of) irrational principles [bad lifestyle choices & actions], lovely Jos,
that produce the обсебващите отрицателни
/UNhealthy емоции within one’s own [mainly greyish] mind!
безрадостността (на безвремието)! It’s the depression – within a human mind,
no matter if
the fake smiling is present or not [however, it usually is]! OK?

The deeply worrying/troubled/confused (panicky, non-2U’s & skeptical in character) personality, чието (irrational) mind
is always & essentially being focused on the (un)imaginary deeply worrying
/troubled/negative/анти-животворна stuff,
защото is motivated by f-e-a-r (feeling INsecure – for one’s own и/или one’s own offspring’s бъдеще)
ала именно това е the същината of an irrational morality!
Рационалният човек, lovely Jos,
unlike the irrational

се мотивира не
, не, не от the страхът/фобиите/параноите ( and INsecurity),
but of his own (and other ppl’s) rational
p-r-o-d-u-c-t-i-v-i-t-y and his own
(and other ppl’s) successful achievements (high IHS) -
това е
the същината of the rational morality of НЕзависимост & success!






ABBA, lovely Josephine,
беше и of Frida('s sexy legs), too! She was really good, too!


Yes, in fact, BOTH of these fine (ABBA) women
were really GREAT (within a wider context) - in the Great 70’s! Absolutely!



